Full-Day or Half-Day Kindergarten? How to Choose the Best Fit for Your Child and Family

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Have you ever thought whether your child needs to spend half a day, or perhaps a full day, in kindergarten? That can be a decision that is quite tough for the parents. For instance, Nisha was in a dilemma regarding sending her son Sunil to a half-day or a full-day kindergarten. Learning is important but could a full day be too much? This is what many parents are concerned about. So, what is the half day schooling? Well, let us find out.

Is kindergarten usually full-day or half-day?

There is quite an increasing number of children who attend full day kindergarten these days. But I do believe that half-day programmes are still available in a number of places. It depends on the region you live in. There are schools that offer both options, while some have only one option available. Nevertheless, the trend is moving towards full day. And why? Well, early education is quite the trend nowadays and also many families have both parents working. A longer school day simplifies problems with childcare. However, there are people who prefer the half day kindergarten.

Full-day kindergarten

Full-day kindergarten is a longer version of its traditional counterpart, just as the name suggests- a typical kindergarten class where the child spends the entire day. Let’s see what it involves.

How long is full-day kindergarten?

Children in full-day kindergarten programmes usually attend school for around 6 hours per day, which is the same as a regular school day. Classes for kindergarten usually begin between 8 and 9 a.m. or finish around 2 or 3 p.m. However, detailed timeframes will always depend on the school. 

Full-day kindergarten schedule

Here’s a typical day in full-day kindergarten:
Time Activity
8:30 am Arrival and morning activities
9:00 am Circle time and calendar
9:30 am Language arts
10:30 am Snack and recess
11:00 am Math
12:00 pm Lunch
12:30 pm Rest or quiet time
1:00 pm Science or social studies
2:00 pm Art, music, or PE
3:00 pm Dismissal

Advantages of full-day kindergarten

Full-day kindergarten offers several benefits. 
  • On kindergarten classes the first day of kindergarten, kids at Preschool in Goregaon east get more time to learn. Teachers explain a lot, so children practice more. This helps kids learn better.
  • Kids also enjoy longer playtimes. They can run, play, and make new friends. This is good for their social skills.

Disadvantages of full-day kindergarten

However, full-day kindergarten can be tough for some kids. They might feel tired or cranky after a long day. This can cause behavior problems. Also, full-day kindergarten costs more. This can be hard for some families to afford. Some schools for kindergarten charge extra for full-day programs.

Half-day kindergarten

Now, let’s chat about half day kindergarten. It’s been around longer and still has its fans. Here’s the scoop.

How long is half-day kindergarten?

Half-day kindergarten usually runs about 3 hours. Some programs are in the morning, others in the afternoon. Morning sessions might go from 8:30 am to 11:30 am.  Afternoon classes could run from noon to 3 pm. Again, times can vary by school. But the key is it’s roughly half the length of a full school day.

Half-day kindergarten schedule

A typical half-day might look like this:
  • Arrival and free play
  • Circle time and calendar
  • Language arts lesson
  • Snack and short recess
  • Math activity
  • Story time or science/social studies
  • Wrap-up and dismissal

Advantages of half-day kindergarten

There are plenty of pros to half-day programs. For example, these programs are less stressful and are an easier transition to school. Some kindergartens offer both morning and afternoon sessions, which can be better for parents with flexible schedules. The extra flexibility can also be useful for stay-at-home parents.

Disadvantages of half-day kindergarten

The main disadvantage is less time devoted to education. With fewer hours, teachers and students are forced to work at a faster pace that doesn’t allow for in-depth topic coverage. For working parents, half-day kindergarten may pose issues. As many parents have to find childcare for the unpaid working hours, which is unhandy and expensive.

Which type of kindergarten is the right choice for your family?

Choosing between full-day and half-day isn’t easy at the best Preschool in Borivali West. There’s no one right answer. It depends on your family’s needs and your child’s personality. Here are some things to think about:
  • Your child’s energy level and attention span
  • Your work schedule and childcare needs
  • Your budget
  • Your child’s academic readiness
  • The quality of programs available in your area
  • Your child’s social needs
  • Your family’s values about early education
  • Your child’s previous experience with preschool or daycare

Final Thoughts 

Need more info on pre schools in Mumbai? We’ve got you covered at Witty School. Why not pop in for a visit? We’d love to show you around and help you figure out what’s best for your little one.  After all, kindergarten is a big step. Let’s make sure it’s a step in the right direction for your child.